Wayne McFee

Address: NOAA, 219 Fort Johnson Road
Phone: 843.460.9695
E-mail: wayne.mcfee@noaa.gov


M.S., 1990, Northeastern University

Research Interests

  • marine mammal strandings and life history, dolphin/human interactions, microplastics, pathogens

Current and planned research projects

  • impact of human development and anthropogenic sources of dolphin mortality
  • multi-species environmental assessments
  • oil signature detection in dolphin teeth
  • drone use to detect dolphin in low estuarine waters


  • Claro, F., Fossi, MC, Ioakeimidis, C, Baini, M, Lusher, AL, McFee, W, McIntosh, RR, Pelamatti, T, Sorce, M, Galgani, F, and BD Hardesty. 2019. Tools and constraints in monitoring interactions between marine litter and megafauna: insights from case studies around the world. Marine Pollution Bulletin 141: 147-160.
  • Ewing, R.Y., Mase-Guthrie, B., McFee, W., Townsend, F, Manire, C.A., Walsh, M., Borkowski, R., Bossart, G.D. and A.M. Schaefer. 2017. Evaluation of serum for pathophysiological effects of prolonged low salinity water exposure in displaced bottlenose dolphins. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4: 1-7.
  • Wu, Q., McFee, W.E., Fauquier, D. and L. Schwacke. 2017. Identification of three Brucella ceti genotypes in bottlenose dolphins using a multiplex SYBR green real-time PCR. Aquatic Mammals 43(3): 335-343.
  • Reed, L.A., McFee, W.E., Pennington. P.L., Wirth, E.F. and M.H. Fulton. 2015. A survey of trace element distribution in tissues of dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima) stranded along the South Carolina coast from 1990-2011. Marine Pollution Bulletin 100(1): 501-506.
  • McFee, W. E., Speakman, TS, Balthis, L, Adams, JD and ES Zolman. 2014. Reproductive seasonality of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Marine Mammal Science 30(2): 528-543.
  • McFee, W.E. 2014. Entanglements of marine species in debris with an emphasis on species in the United States. Topic paper submitted to NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, April 2014. 39 pp.
  • McFee, W.E., Adams, J.D., Fair, P.A., Bossart, G.D. 2012. Age Distribution and Growth of Two Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Populations from Capture-Release Studies in the Southeastern United States. Aquatic Mammals 38(1), 17-30.
  • Pate, SM and WE McFee. 2012. Prey species of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from South Carolina waters. Southeastern Naturalist 11(1): 1-22.
  • McFee, W.E., Schwacke, J.H., Stolen, M.K., Mullin, K.D., and L.H. Schwacke. 2010. Investigation of growth phases for bottlenose dolphins using a Bayesian modeling approach. Marine Mammal Science. 26(1): 67-85.
  • McFee, W.E. and T.P. Lipscomb. 2009. Major pathologic findings and probable causes of mortality in bottlenose dolphins stranded in South Carolina from 1993 to 2006. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45 (3): 575-593.