Microbes and Microalgae

Faculty research
Faculty Research Potential Primary Advisor*
Karen G. Burnett Marine biomedicine, immunology, molecular biology of marine organisms NO
Giacomo R. DiTullio Phytoplankton physiology and ecology, biogeochemical cycling YES
Gregory J. Doucette Physiological ecology of marine phytoplankton, marine biotoxins and harmful algae NO
Kristina Hill-Spanik Applied molecular biology; biogeography and ecology of microbes; parasites of molluscs and fish; bioinformatics, phylogenetics NO
Michael G. Janech Physiology of marine organisms, molecular and proteomic applications YES
Peter A. Lee Phytoplankton ecophysiology and sulfur biogeochemistry YES
Lisa May Microbial ecology and coral-microbe interactions, DNA damage and its effect upon the reproductive potential of coral, effects of stressors on coral health NO
Craig J. Plante Microbial ecology, benthic biology, the influence of animal-microbe interactions on biogeochemical processes, and the role of autoinduction in the development of marine biofilms YES
Kimberly Ritchie coral reef ecology, benefical microbes, microbial ecology, host-microbe interactions, climate change, marine policy YES
Leslie R. Sautter Biological oceanography, marine phytoplankton ecology, marine geology YES

*NO=cannot serve as major advisor, but can serve on thesis committee