Ecology Faculty

Faculty research
Faculty Research Potential Primary Advisor*
Michael D. Arendt Environmental influences on animal occurrence, population dynamics and demographic structure, collection of large data sets through remote and/or innovative technologies, time series analysis NO
Joseph C. Ballenger Fish life history and population dynamics; fish biology/ecology; fisheries science/management YES
Jody M. Beers Environmental and comparative physiology, physiological ecology YES
Larry L. Bowman Conservation and adaptive management of commercial and recreation fisheries; population genetics and genomics; species delimitation and phylogenetics; evolutionary ecology and life history evolution; applications of molecular ecology for conservation; theory and mathematical modeling; STEM education and outreach YES
Jeffrey F. Brunson Crustacean fisheries management, applied fisheries research, conservation ecology, population dynamics NO
Walter J. Bubley Fisheries science, fisheries ecology, fish life history (age/growth/reproduction) YES
Katy W. Chung Aquatic toxicology NO
Loren D. Coen Marine benthic ecology, plant-animal interactions, tropical ecology, crustacean biology NO
Stacie E. Crowe Benthic ecology, taxonomy of marine invertebrates NO
Russell D. Day Biomonitoring of marine ecosystems and organismal health, environmental chemistry, coral stressors, health, and geochemistry, isotopes, heavy metals, trace elements in the marine environment, ocean acidification, sea turtle ecotoxicology NO
Isaure de Buron Host-parasite interactions at the ecological, cellular, and molecular levels NO
Phillip Dustan Marine ecology, coral reef ecology, biological oceanography YES
Melissa Hughes Animal behavior; in particular, communication in song birds and crustaceans YES
Jeffrey L. Hyland Environmental monitoring and assessments, benthic ecology, ecotoxicology NO
Pamela C. Jutte Benthic ecology; invertebrate behavioral biology YES
Michael R. Kendrick Effects of environmental change on the ecology of marine and freshwater invertebrates, population, community and ecosystem ecology, using long-tern data to address e3cological quesitons YES
Peter R. Kingsley-Smith Shellfish restoration and management YES
David M. Knott Taxonomy and ecology of benthic and planktonic invertebrates NO
Norman S. Levine Mapping and modeling of the natural environment; environmental, ecologic, and anthropogenic resilience to sea level rise; applications of remote sensing and GIS in coastal and estuarine environments YES
Susan Lovelace Linkages between coastal environmental health and ecosystem services and human health and human wellbeing NO
Eric J. McElroy Evolution and ecology of animal performance and functional morphology; functional, physiological and morphological basis of animal behavior YES
Daniel McGlinn Assemblage of ecological communities in space and time; ecological theory applied to understand conservation of biodiversity; role of fire and other disturbances in shaping community structure YES
Courtney Murren Plant ecology NO
Julie A. Neer Fisheries science and management, elasmobranch ecology, life history of fishes, population dynamics NO
Paul M. Nolan Behavioral ecology, disease ecology, ornithology, avian habitat selection NO
Robert D. Podolsky Functional biology and evolutionary ecology of marine invertebrates, larval ecology and life-history evolution, fertilization ecology, physiological ecology, phenotypic plasticity YES
Seth Pritchard Plant physiological ecology: physiological responses of plants to ongoing global environmental changes including rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone concentrations, warming, and soil salinization; implications for ecosystem function and food production NO
Marcel J. M. Reichert Fishery science and management, fish biology and ecology, ecology of marine life bottom habitats, estuarine ecology YES
Joshua Robinson fluvial geomorphology; environmental hydraulics; restoration and management of aquatic ecosystems; nature-based solutions to water management NO
Matthew T. Rutter Plante ecology, genetics, evolution NO
Gorka Sancho Behavioral ecology of fishes, fisheries conservation YES
Denise M. Sanger Impacts of human land use, benthic ecology, water quality, sediment chemistry, and toxicology YES
Daniel A. Sasson Reproductive behavior of invertebrates YES
Leslie R. Sautter Biological oceanography, marine phytoplankton ecology, marine geology YES
George R. Sedberry Community population and trophic ecology of marine fishes, coral reef biology, fisheries biology NO
Virginia R. Shervette Estuarine ecology and management, conservation biology, fish ecology, oyster reef ecology, urbanization of estuaries, Human Dimensions of fisheries management, tropical ecology YES
Tracey Smart Life history ecology, reproductive ecology, biological oceanography, fisheries science YES
Erik E. Sotka Ecology and evolution of marine biotic interactions, larval dispersal, molecular ecology, chemical ecology YES
Allan E. Strand Molecular ecology, evolution, and demography of plants YES
Andrew W. Tweel Wetland and coastal landscape ecology and sustainability YES
Allison M. Welch Ecology, evolution and behavior of amphibians NO
Dara H. Wilber Ecological impact assessment in the marine and estuarine environment NO
John D. Zardus Evolution and ecology of commensal barnacles YES

*NO=cannot serve as major advisor, but can serve on thesis committee