Elasmobranchs and Teleost Fish

Faculty research
Faculty Research Potential Primary Advisor*
William D. Anderson Jr. (Emeritus) Systematics of fishes and history of natural history YES
Joseph C. Ballenger Fish life history and population dynamics; fish biology/ecology; fisheries science/management YES
Jody M. Beers Environmental and comparative physiology, physiological ecology  YES
Andrew J. Clark Comparative biomechanics and functional morphology YES
Tanya L. Darden Fish population genetics YES
Russell D. Day Biomonitoring of marine ecosystems and organismal health, environmental chemistry, coral stressors, health, and geochemistry, isotopes, heavy metals, trace elements in the marine environment, ocean acidification, sea turtle ecotoxicology NO
Isaure de Buron Host-parasite interactions at the ecological, cellular, and molecular levels NO
Michael R. Denson Fisheries management, aquaculture, stock enhancement YES
Wayne R. Fitzgibbon Applying microphysiological techniques to the study of hormonal regulation of mammalian renal physiology and pathophysiology NO
Thomas W. Greig Fisheries population genetics, molecular marine forensics, evolutionary ecotoxicology NO
Antony S. Harold Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of fishes YES
Peter B. Key Aquatic toxicology NO
James Kilfoil Elasmobranchs, fisheries research, population dynamics, spatial ecology, bycatch, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife interactions YES
Ruairi MacNamara Fisheries management and ecology; population dynamics; culture-based stock enhancement NO
Eric J. McElroy Evolution and ecology of animal performance and functional morphology; functional, physiological and morphological basis of animal behavior YES
Julie A. Neer Fisheries science and management, elasmobranch ecology, life history of fishes, population dynamics NO
John S. Peters Age and growth of fishes NO
Marcel J.M. Reichert Fish ecology, fisheries science YES
Kimberly Ritchie Coral reef ecology, beneficial microbes (beneficial bacteria associated with white shark epidermal surfaces), microbial ecology, host-microbe interactions, climate change, marine policy YES
William A. Roumillat Biology of fishes NO
Gorka Sancho Behavioral ecology of fishes, fisheries conservation YES
George R. Sedberry Community population and trophic ecology of marine fishes, coral reef biology, fisheries biology NO
Andrew M. Shedlock Comparative evolutionary genomics; impacts of mobile DNA and non-coding RNA on eukaryotic genome structure and transcriptome function. Computational biology. Phylogeny, ecology and population genetics of marine vertebrates YES
Virginia R. Shervette Estuarine ecology and management, conservation biology, fish ecology, oyster reef ecology, urbanization of estuaries, Human Dimensions of fisheries management, tropical ecology YES
Katherine Silliman Population genetics, resource management, development/use of molecular tools YES
Tracey Smart Life history ecology, reproductive ecology, biological oceanography, fisheries science YES
Julie Vecchio Innovative technique for quantifying, measuring, and assessing fish, fisheries stock assessment, reef fish life history dynamics, reef fish ecology, human impacts on fisheries YES
J. David Whitaker Crustacean fisheries resource research NO
David M. Wyanski Life history and taxonomy of marine fishes, fisheries biology NO
Lenny Yong Population genetics and distribution of marine organisms, genomics of sex differences in natuaral populations, phenotypic evolution and adaptation of fishes, molecular and conservation genetics, genotype-phenotype mapping/GWAS YES
Anastasia M. Zimmerman Molecular evolution of the vertebrate immune system, genome-wide analyses of innate and adaptive immune loci in fishes, use of the zebrafish as an immunological model NO

*NO=cannot serve as major advisor, but can serve on thesis committee