Judson Curtis


Ph.D., 2014, Texas A&M University

B.A., 2006, Clark University

Research Interests

  • Fish ecology (with a focus on red snapper)
  • Fisheries science and management


  • Banks, K.G., J.M. Curtis, J.A. Williams, J.J. Wetz, and G.W. Stunz (in review). Fine-scale movement and habitat use of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) around nearshore artificial reefs. North AMerican Journal of Fisheries Management.
  • Curtis, J.M., A.K. Tompkins, A.J. Loftus, and G.W. Stunz (2019). Recreational angler attitudes and perceptions regarding the use of descending devices in southeast reef fish fisheries. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 11:506-518.
  • Hall, Q.H., J.M. Curtis, J.A. Williams, and G.W. Stunz (2019). The importance of newly-opened tidal inlets as spawning corridors for adult Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Fisheries Research 212: 48-55.
  • Curtis, J.M., M.W. Johnson, S.L. Diamond, and G.W. Stunz (2015). Quantifying delayed mortality from barotrauma impairment in discarded Red Snapper using acoustic telemetry. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 7: 434-449.
  • Curtis, J.M., G.W. Stunz, R.D. Overath, R.R. Vega (2014). Otolith chemistry can discriminate signatures of hatchery-reared and wild spotted seatrout. Fisheries Research 153: 31-40.